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Author: topstuf
Date: April 2, 2020

Everything you wish to know about Special Use Oils

In the age of information and competition, you really need to stand out to have any chance at success. It is no wonder that most successful products now focus on niche markets and their respective core strengths to serve that market better than the competition. Therefore, we have so many specialized oils too available to us for specific purposes. Many of you can argue that why do we need so much specialization when any oil can serve almost all purposes. We recently did a post on selecting the right massage oil, which states how customization according to requirement can make a real difference.




Today, we have oils that promote beard growth, take care of nails and cuticles, and help you enjoy a sensual massage, sun tanning oil, and many other such niche applications. Today, I wish to address several questions that our readers have asked us about all such oils. A disclaimer, I support and find such special use oils very useful, so you may find my answers in the same light.

Which is the best oil for hair/ skin/ health/ acne/ dandruff etc?

There are several oils that are good for almost anything, like coconut or olive oil. These oils are like a jack of all trades, but on their own, they are master of none. If you wish to really find quick and long-lasting results, special use oils designed specifically for a purpose will almost always give you a better result. That is because they are like a balanced diet which includes various ingredients to provide all required nutrients and care. For example, if you want long and shiny hair then you need both enrichment of coconut oil and also antimicrobial properties of Tea Tree oil. So, to conclude is that if you are looking for natural oils for any purpose, then go for specially designed oils for that purpose.

Do special oils actually work?

Don’t take my word, but just think. If you need to improve your health, you need to maintain a balanced diet. In the same way, you need to improve the health of your skin, hair, nails or just about anything, you need to provide a balanced diet. A single oil can’t provide all the nutrients. If you opt for a good quality oil designed specifically for a need, it has a higher chance of maintaining a healthy balance. Check our review of cuticle oils to see how much research goes into designing such oils.

How do specialized oils work?

Companies designed them with the help of experts to make a balanced mix of oils and ingredients. They are chosen on the basis of need and what might work well together. Like heavy oils like castor works great with a lighter oil like coconut oil. Whole idea is to provide full care for balanced health.

How long does it take for oil to work?

Now, this goes for all types of oils or any health solution. It takes time and patience as your body recovers and recharges at its own pace. As a thumb rule, it will take at least 2 weeks to see a real difference. However, you should continue to use at least 2 months before you take a call if oil is working for you or not.

Are specially used oils safe to use?

They are safe to use if you are careful to choose good brand oils and check ingredients which are natural. You can check our reviews on oils to find out good brands. Natural oils are always safe to use, but still, you can always do a patch test before applying it regularly. Patch tests can tell you if you are allergic to any ingredient or any oils. If you are, they do avoid that oil.

Why are Essential oils added in beard oil or any other special use oils?

Essential oils are natural extracts of plants or resin sources of oil. They are concentrated oil which are volatile and strong. They have numerous properties that promote health and well being. They are popularly used in aromatherapy and cosmetics. In recent times, they are being used in various cosmetic products for their benefits. Oils like Lavender Essential Oil or Tea Tree Essential oils promote hair growth and skin health. Therefore, they are now being used in various products.

Are there blended oils for cooking purposes also?

Yes, there are several such oils available in the market. In fact, there are research studies that show that there are several positive advantages of blending vegetable oils for cooking. When two or more oils are mixed in to make the blended oil, it is healthier than any of the individual oils used in the blend. Moreover, blending can provide stability to vegetable oils which otherwise are not popular in cooking. Blended oils are a much better alternative to refined oils for culinary purposes.

I hope I am able to convince you about specially blended oils. If yes, do give them a try and you won’t regret it. So, if you have another question or query about oils, just drop a comment or message to us. We would love to hear from you.

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