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Author: topstuf
Date: October 27, 2020

The Difference Between Sonogram and Ultrasound

Too many times by too many people, the terms ultrasound and sonogram are mistaken for one the same. However, they are not the same, as each has its own specific meaning. Whether it is just sonogram and ultrasound, or sonogram pregnancy and ultrasound pregnancy, they are not one the same.

What follows is an explanation of their meaning and what they stand for.



sonogram pregnancy is a term that is often used in the context of sonography which describes the usage of an ultrasound device for diagnosing. On the other hand, just sonogram is a term that refers to the image generated by the ultrasound.


Ultrasound is the term used to describe the entire process. To conduct an ultrasound test you need to have an ultrasound device run by a technician. The process uses high-frequency sound to create an image of the baby.

Sonogram pregnancy, ultrasound pregnancy, are different, but at the end of the day, the only one who really cares about their meaning are the people that are involved in the process; doctors, nurses, and technicians. Both terms are part of the same process and share the same goal - help the doctor’s guide you through your pregnancy, to diagnose a certain condition of you or the baby, provide medical treatment, and so on.

Does Everyone Need Sonogram and Ultrasound Tests

You might not need one at all as there were times when this type of technology was not available, some would even say it was unthinkable to think this technology would be a possibility. However, when it’s here and when it’s easily accessible, why not make the most of it. Its goal is simple, to help guide you through your pregnancy and help you or your baby if needed - simple as that.

Hypothetically speaking, sometimes a minor issue can be detected during pregnancy with an ultrasound. That issue can be easily treated and dealt with long before the baby is born. On the other hand, if that issue is left unresolved, there might be consequences to the little one after its birth. The point is simple, why take any chances when you have all these technological marvels at your disposal.

How Safe is Ultrasound and Sonogram

We live in an age of misinformation and fake news. Just look at the anti-vaxxers movement and the troubles they have caused. There have been some fake rumors about sonogram and ultrasound as well, but they haven’t got the attention the anti-vaxxers movement has.

As explained earlier, the sonogram is nothing but the image. The ultrasound is the machine that uses high-frequency sounds to create that image. Those are high-frequency sounds that cannot be detected by people and are completely harmless. Ultrasound testing is completely painless and non-invasive. There isn’t any official or even non-official record of a mother or a fetus being harmed during an ultrasound testing. The very thought is ridiculous, even though some conspiracy theorists claim the opposite. To conclude, both sonogram pregnancy and ultrasound pregnancy are safe and very helpful.

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